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Calexico Unified School District

Calexico Unified School District

Restorative Practices (RP)

Restorative Practices in Calexico Unified School District

Restorative Practices in Calexico Unified School District

Restorative Practices are a framework for building community and responding to challenging behavior by:
  • Building healthy relationships between educators and students
  • Reducing, preventing, and improving harmful behavior
  • Repairing harm and restoring positive relationships
  • Resolving conflict, holding individuals and groups accountable
  • Addressing and discussing the needs of the school community
Restorative Practices is implemented in the following ways:

Restorative Practices is implemented in the following ways:

  • Using regular classroom circles to work together with students to set academic goals, explore the curriculum, and develop core values for the classroom community;
  • Training teachers and staff in classroom management to increase effective communication and work with students to reflect on how their actions impact others; and
  • Using small group circles, fairness committees and peer juries when disciplinary issues happen to talk with students involved about the causes of the issues and identify positive solutions to repair the harm done to the community through responses such as mediation, community service, conflict resolution, etc.
What is Restorative Practices?

What is Restorative Practices?