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After School Program

Sparks expanded learning
Sparks expanded learning
Our sparks after-school programs cater to the diverse needs of students and families by offering tailored services for students in grades TK-8th (ASES) and 9th-12th (ASSETs). Our goal is to complement and bolster the regular school day curriculum, providing a safe and enriching environment where students can receive academic support, engage in physical activities, and explore various enriching opportunities.
Key objectives:
1. Inclusive programming:
We serve students from Tk-8th grade under our SPARKs (ASES) program and 9th-12th grade (ASSETs).
This inclusive approach ensures that students of all ages have access to our program's benefits.
2. Academic support:
Our programs are designed to provide academic support that enhances the regular school day.
Dedicated time and skilled instructors support students with intervention and additional learning activities.
Our programs are designed to provide academic support that enhances the regular school day.
Dedicated time and skilled instructors support students with intervention and additional learning activities.
3. Enrichment opportunities:
We offer a wide range of enriching activities, including creative arts, sports, STEM, and cultural exploration. These experiences foster creativity, skill development, and a passion for learning.
4. Safe and Supportive environment:
The safety of our students is a priority. Our programs provide a secure environment with active supervision, ensuring peace of mind for parents and guardians.
The safety of our students is a priority. Our programs provide a secure environment with active supervision, ensuring peace of mind for parents and guardians.
1. Holistic development:
Our programs support students' academic growth, social development, and physical well-being.
2. Academic excellence:
Through academic intervention and additional learning opportunities, students can achieve improved academic performance and success.
3. Healthy lifestyle:
Physical activities and sports promote physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle.
4. Confidence and skills:
Participation in diverse activities helps boost students' self-esteem, confidence, and skill sets.
We offer nutritious snacks and supper to our students. Our commitment to providing snacks and supper ensures that students have the sustenance they need to stay focused and engaged during their time in our program. These snacks and suppers are selected tand aligned with nutritional guidelines, promoting healthy eating habits and supporting our students' overall well-being.
Our program takes immense pride in meeting all educational and programming state requirements, ensuring that we provide a top-tier experience for our students. By adhering to these rigorous standards, we demonstrate our commitment to academic excellence, student welfare, and continuous improvement. Key aspects of our program's compliance include curriculum alignment with state standards, qualified and dedicated staff, and the creation of a safe and nurturing learning environment. This commitment not only assures parents and guardians of our program's quality but also empowers our students to thrive academically, setting them on a path toward success.
Grade levels served:
Elementary schools Tk -6
Middle Schools 7 & 8
Hours of Operation:
Elementary Schools
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 1:45-6:00 pm
Tuesdays 1:00-6:00 pm
Junior High Schools
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday -2:51-6:00 pm
Tuesdays (early dismissal days) 1:30-6:00 pm
SPARKs (ASES) is available at the following school sites:
- Blanche Charles
- Cesar Chavez
- Dool
- Jefferson
- Kennedy Gardens
- Mains
- Rockwood
- Enrique Camarena Jr. High
- William Moreno Jr. High
Open to all students in grades 9th -12th
Enrichment Offerings:
Legos Education
Strength training
Swimming pool
Arts & crafts
Academic Offerings:
Credit Recovery
Homework Center
CHS Drop in Center Hours:
Monday—Friday 3:10pm to 6:10pm,
Come sign-up at the library after school
See Ms. J Arteaga
Aurora Homework Center Hours:
2:30-6:00 pm
Ms. C Ibarria
Contact Information for After School Program Staff
Expanded Learning Director / Directora de Aprendizaje Expandido:
Name: Esmeralda Garcia
Email: esmearldag@cusdk12.org
Name: Erika Hermosillo
Email: Ehermosillo@cusdk12.org
Administrative Assistant / Asistente de Oficina:
Name: Jazmine Romero
Email: jromero@cusdk12.org
Name: Josie Pizano
Email: jpizano@cusdk12.org
Projects Office Assistant / Assistente De Projectos
Name: Guadalupe Rivera
Email: grivera@cusdk12.org
Program Manager / Manejadora De Programa
Name: Ashley Villanueva
Email :avillanueva@cusdk12.org
Program Manager / Manejadora De Programa
Name: Katya Amesquita
Email: kamesquita@cusdk12.org
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Feel free to reach out to the respective staff members with any inquiries or concerns related to our After School Program. They will be happy to assist you with any information or support you may need.